Thursday, June 24, 2010


dim str, mailobj
str="Email Metini"
'response.Write str // Gerekirse e-mail string kontrol
set mailobj = server.createobject("CDO.Message")
mailobj.Subject="ASP EMAIL"
'mailobj.TextBody = str
mailobj.HTMLBody = str
mailobj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
mailobj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = ""
mailobj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 25
mailobj.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 60
if err.number=0 then
Response.Write "HATA OLUSTU"
Response.Write err.number & err.description
end if

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Monday, June 21, 2010

First Asp Programe

Now let us have our First ASP.NET program.
Let9s look at both the markup and the C# portions of a simple web forms application that generates a movie

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Quick Start :To ASP.NET

File name extensions
Web applications written with ASP.NET will consist of many files with different file name extensions. The most common are listed here. Native ASP.NET files by default have the extension .aspx (which is, of course, an extension to .asp) or .ascx. Web Services normally have the extension .asmx.Your file names containing the business logic will depend on the language you use. So, for example, a C# file
would have the extension .aspx.cs. You already learned about the configuration file Web.Config.

Architecture of Asp

ASP.NET is based on the fundamental architecture of .NET Framework. Visual studio provide a uniform way to combine the various features of this Architecture.
Architecture is explained form bottom to top in the following discussion.
At the bottom of the Architecture is Common Language Run time. NET Framework common language run time resides on top of the operating system services. The common language runtime loads and executes code that targets the runtime. This code is therefore called managed code. The runtime gives you, for example, the ability for cross-language integration.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Intoduction to Asp.Net

I have seen many tutorials on ASP.NET but most of them starts with coding and writing your first ASP.NET Program. But here I has written this tutorial for explaining why there is a need for ASP.NET when classy ASP is working fine and what are the underlying technology behind ASP.NET, What programming model ASP.NET
Provides to programmers. Now let us get started.ASP.NET is the new offering for Web developers from the Microsoft .It is not simply the next-generation of ASP;
in fact, it is a completely re-engineered and enhanced technology that offers much, much more than traditional.ASP and can increase productivity significantly.
Because it has evolved from ASP, ASP.NET looks very similar to its predecessor9but only at first sight. Some items look very familiar, and they remind us of ASP. But concepts like Web Forms, Web Services, or Server Controls gives ASP.NET the power to build real Web applications.